California to Utah

We woke up this morning in Eureka, California and we are going to bed in Price, Utah. We rodethrough over 200 miles of smoke from the Northern California forest fires.  We stayed outside of Reno last night and there were several Firefighters who came in for rest.  They said the fire they had been fighting for over a week, was only 10% contained…keep these guys in your prayers.

A Utah Sunrise

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Pictures from yesterday’s ride…Eureka California to Reno, Nevada.  Large Ponderosa pines, and the river were in the Sierra Mountains.  We rode beside this river for about 2 hours.  There must have been at least 100 miles of riding in the Ponderosa Pines, man they are beautiful.

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Tomorrow we head to Pagosa Springs, Colorado.

One thought on “California to Utah”

  1. Say…..when traveling at “3-digit” speed, how ofter do you guys have to stop and get the bugs from your teeth ?

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